Hope Vale 2024
Location: North QLD
Dates: 3rd to 7th July 2024
Hope Vale, we’re coming back!
Following our successful tour to the region in September 2023, in collaboration with the Hope Vale Foundation we are returning to Hope Vale from 3rd to 7th July.
Hope Vale cradles residents on Thubi Warra lands, a lush valley with native bushland and mountains.
The North Queensland tour will see Rugby League Stars engaging in social, educational, corporate, and sporting activities. Collaborating with locals, discussing local issues and nurturing aspirations, uniting legends with communities for a brighter future.
Tour Highlights
Wed 3rd July
Travel day into Hope Vale
Thur 4th July
Community Engagement at Hope Vale MPC
Fri 5th July
Cultural Activities with Matt and Brenton Bowen’s families
Sat 6th July
Future Immortals Tour Main Game
Sun 7th July
Travel Day home
Tour Apparel Artwork
By Brenton Bowen, Guugu Yimithirr People
This artwork celebrates the legacy our elders have left us, focusing on the rugby league field and the skills passed down through gentle guidance, perseverance, hard work, and dedication. For years, rugby league has united families, friends, and communities.
The kangaroo tracks symbolize always moving forward. The meeting places on the side represent the elders and past players who laid the foundation of the sport, while the top right meeting place signifies current and future players and elders, carrying on this proud tradition.
The interconnected circles and lines in the background illustrate the unity and bond of our community, showing that rugby league is more than just a sport—it’s a cultural thread weaving us together, fostering belonging and shared purpose. This painting is a testament to our heritage, our journey, and our continuous, united spirit.